

  • To be a fully autonomous, self-supporting and voluntary organisation
  • To provide a creative use of leisure time
  • To establish and maintain educational, cultural and physical programmes
  • To broaden intellectual horizons irrespective of background
  • To promote and further the concept and adoption of U3A in the general community and municipality
  • To seek and maintain contact with organisations and individuals involved with the U3A

Set out below are our policies for:

  • COVID-19
  • Social Events
  • Refunds
  • Emailing
  • Privacy

As well, there is a link to a pdf file setting out our constitution.

Each of these policies have been endorsed by the U3A Moonee Valley Committee of Management


Currently there are no mandatory COVID-19 requirements in place regarding vaccination, wearing of masks etc.  We will continue to follow health department advice and government requirements. Should the situation change, all members, including tutors, will be advised.  U3A Moonee Valley encourages its members to accept responsibility for the safety of themselves and fellow members, particularly in relation to Covid.  Clearly the virus will be with us for the foreseeable future and anyone who has tested positive should not attend U3A activities until they are clear of it. Particularly in indoor settings, some members will choose to practise social distancing and/or wear masks and this should in no way be discouraged.  



  1. U3A Moonee Valley recognises the importance of protecting members’ privacy in relation to their personal information.


  1. The purpose of this policy is to set out members’ privacy rights and to document the framework that U3A Moonee Valley will apply when collecting, storing and using members’ personal information.


  1. This policy applies to any information collected by U3A Moonee Valley that can be used to identify an individual member.  We may collect and record the following types of personal information about members:
    • name
    • date of birth
    • postal, street and/or email addresses
    • telephone contact number/s
    • previous profession or occupation
    • skills or interests
    • emergency contact details
    • image (photo or video)
    • other information you provide to us through member surveys or for other purposes.
  2. U3A Moonee Valley will collect personal information about each member directly from the member in question. This will be done through membership and course registration processes. Approval to use a member’s image/s in U3A Moonee Valley publications may be sought on the Membership Application and Membership Renewal forms; members who decline to permit use of their image will be required to opt out of U3A Moonee Valley photographs. From time to time, other information may be collected via a survey or by other methods.
  3. U3A Moonee Valley collects personal information from members so that we can provide services and perform functions that are consistent with our constitution, including:
    • to make classes and other activities available to members
    • for communication, administrative, marketing and planning purposes
    • for program development, quality control and research purposes
    • to maintain accurate and up-to-date membership records.
  4. U3A Moonee Valley will:
    • only collect information that is consistent with our primary purpose and constitution
    • inform members of the reason why information is collected and how it is administered
    • inform members that any personal information held about them is accessible to them
    • take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal information held is accurate and up-to-date
    • take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal information held is protected from misuse, loss and unauthorised access.
  5. Members’ personal information will not be shared or disclosed other than as described in this policy. Personal information will not be made available to others for direct marketing purposes.
  6. U3A Moonee Valley may disclose your personal information, for purposes that are directly relevant to our constitution, to:
    • volunteers, for example, tutors and members of the Committee of Management
    • related organisations, for example, U3A Network Victoria Inc
    • employees, contractors or service providers where it is essential to the service to be provided.
  7. Whilst every effort is being made by U3A Moonee Valley to ensure all our data is secure, we cannot guarantee the security of information provided to us online.


  1. Members may request access to any personal information U3A Moonee Valley holds about them by contacting U3A Moonee Valley’s Membership Officer who will aim to provide a suitable means of accessing the information. 
  2. Where a member believes that personal information held about him/her is incomplete or inaccurate the member may ask the Membership Officer to amend it.  
  3. Where a member believes their privacy has been breached, they should contact U3A Moonee Valley’s Secretary and provide details of the incident so that it can be investigated.
  4. Any questions or concerns about this policy, or a complaint regarding the treatment of personal information, should be referred to U3A Moonee Valley’s Secretary.
  5. U3A Moonee Valley will treat confidentially all requests or complaints lodged regarding this policy. We will contact you within a reasonable time after receipt of your complaint to discuss your concerns and to outline options regarding how they may be resolved. We will aim to ensure that your complaint is resolved in a timely, impartial and appropriate manner.  


  1. U3A Moonee Valley’s Committee of Management is responsible for:
    • developing, adopting, implementing and publishing this policy
    • collecting, storing and using members’ personal information in accordance with this policy
    • investigating complaints about the handling of personal information
    • approving access to personal information consistent with this policy
    • monitoring and revising this policy as and when the need arises.
  2. U3A Moonee Valley’s Secretary is responsible for: receiving enquiries about this policy and complaints about a potential breach of this policy; and, for bringing a complaint before the Committee of Management for investigation and resolution.
  3. U3A Moonee Valley’s Membership Coordinator is responsible for responding to a member’s request for access to the personal information held by U3A Moonee Valley about that member and for requests to correct personal information that is believed to be inaccurate or out of date.


U3A Moonee Valley is a not for profit learning community and mutual-aid organisation. Our refund policies are appropriate to our structure, purpose and objectives.

Refunds will only be considered and, in its absolute discretion allowed, by the Committee of Management in accordance with the following guidelines.

Membership Subscriptions

Membership subscriptions apply to each financial year from 1 December to 30 November and members must be financial in order to attend face to face or virtual classes. In general, membership subscriptions are non-refundable except in unusual circumstances and only if a request for refund is made within three months of payment. For example, a request for refund would be considered favourably if a member joined in order to attend a specific class and was subsequently unable to attend owing to the class being cancelled. Any other case would be considered on its merits.

Class Fees

Class fees are non-refundable. They are typically only payable when a member attends a class where U3A Moonee Valley Inc. is required to pay additional costs for materials or external tuition etc. Examples include the Book Clubs and Bridge Lessons for Beginners. In these cases, U3A Moonee Valley Inc. subsidises the fees payable, but members are required to pay the balance up-front. Refunds of such fees may be made in cases of severe illness or other hardship which prevents the member from attending all or part of a course.

Special Events

In respect of events such as Christmas lunches, visits to industries and places of interest arranged for members, including those organised by the Social Committee for which a fee is collected in advance from members, refunds will be made to members cancelling their booking if cancellation is made at least thirty days before the event commences, and in sufficient time that U3A Moonee Valley Inc. will not incur any costs because of the cancellation. Should U3A Moonee Valley Inc. incur any costs, these will be deducted from any refund made. In cases of severe illness or other hardship, U3A Moonee Valley Inc. may waive this condition. In the case of group theatre bookings or other ticketed events, no refund will be made once a ticket has been purchased with that member’s payment.

U3A Moonee Valley Inc. reserves the right to cancel any event for reasons such as weather conditions, insufficient members’ support or any other reason at its discretion, in which case booking fees will be refunded to members.


U3A is not a supplier of goods and therefore do not require a Returns Policy.


It is agreed by the U3A Moonee Valley committee of Management that the following guidelines will be used with regard to emails to members:

  • That all email subject headings start with “U3A Monee Valley” followed by a brief description of content.
  • That a time pattern for sending emails be established. 
  • That where possible large attachments be listed on our website with a link in the email.
  • That items will carry the contributors name and an email contact.
  • That items emailed will be seen by at least one (or one other) committee member.



U3A Moonee Valley offers a range of standalone activities for the enjoyment and participation of its members.  The purpose of this policy is to document the framework to be followed when organising these social activities.


This policy applies to all events formally organised for members and advertised through Contact newsletter or email circulation.

  1. Activities will operate on a breakeven financial basis unless otherwise agreed by the Committee of Management.
  2. Participation in activities will normally be restricted to U3A Moonee Valley members only.  Non-members/guests may attend, but only if it does not result in the exclusion of a member.
  3. Non-members should not attend more than one event per year. 
  4. From time-to-time members booked on an event may not be able to attend.  Any fees paid for an event are non-refundable.  Private arrangements may be made for another member to attend the event in lieu. 
  5. Where U3A Moonee Valley cancels an event there will be a full refund to members.


  • U3A Moonee Valley will advertise events in Contact and/or via email with an enrolment form.  The advertisement will specify whether non-members may attend.
  • Members will enrol, either on-line, by mail or assisted through the office.
  • All member payments are made to U3A Moonee Valley Inc. who will in turn pay the event organisers using the funds collected.
  • Payments will be completed via EFT or deposited into U3A Moonee Valley bank account.  The payment method will be included in any advertisements.


  1. U3A Moonee Valley Committee of Management is responsible for
    1. Publishing and implementing this policy.
    2. All monies associated with social events organised under this policy.
  1. The social event co-ordinators are responsible for:
    1. Planning and organising the social event.
    2. Obtaining committee endorsement for the event.
    3. Keeping all necessary records to ensure the event’s smooth running.


Proposed new RULES of ASSOCIATION (CONSTITUTION) as per the Consumer Affairs Victoria, Association Incorporation Reform Act 2012 may be viewed by opening the PDF file below.

Click here for the link to our constitution.