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The October 2024 forum addressed the issue of online scam avoidance. Phil O’Brien, our presenter, had many suggestions for keeping safe while using technology and his presentation is included HERE

Our AGM will be held at the Ascot Vale Neighbourhood Centre on Thursday 5th December at 1.30pm. One of the agenda items will include a proposed revision of our constitution, which will need to be voted on at the meeting.

The Victorian Government introduced revisions to the regulations (model rules) for incorporated associations on 18th November 2023.  U3A Moonee Valley is an incorporated association, and the new rules apply to us.  They have been automatically in operation since the 18th of November 2023 although they have not yet been formally adopted by us. At the AGM in December, we plan to formally revise our constitution.  Along with the mandated revisions, we have taken the opportunity to revise and update those sections of constitution which are now out of date. 

 Over the past 7 years we have moved the day-to-day operation of our U3A to an online environment.  We have replaced paper-based systems with our website and the myu3a database.   Actions such as membership application, membership renewal, payment of fees, enrolment in courses and notifications to members have moved online.   

Several clauses of our constitution are written assuming that we operate with a written application form.  Clause 9 (Application for membership), Clause10 (Consideration of application) and Clause 11 (New membership) are written this way.  All these processes have been moved online, and the clauses no longer reflect how we actually work.  We are taking this opportunity to update these clauses to reflect actual practice.    

In summary the revisions are:
Clause 9 (Application for membership):  now refers to an online application.
Clause10 (Consideration of application):  has been deleted. It is no longer part of the membership process.
Clause 11 (New membership):  Renumbered to Clause 10.  Membership is automatically deemed granted after completion of the online form and payment of the appropriate fee.
Subsequent clauses are renumbered to reflect that the existing Clause 10 has been deleted.

A DRAFT NEW CONSTITUTION is available online for your review.  Amendments mandated by the Victorian Government are highlighted in blue.  Amendments initiated by us are highlighted in yellow.   We welcome any feedback you may have about this proposed draft.  Please send your comments and questions to

Subject to the feedback we receive, our plan is to table a motion at the December AGM to amend our constitution consistent with this draft. 
Brian Smith  

All U3A Moonee Valley members and friends are invited to attended the monthly lunches
which are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
You choose and pay for your own food and drink. As well as a wide range of dishes offered on the main Bistro menu, a Seniors menu of generous portions is available. Current prices for Seniors meals are 3 courses $20.00, 2 courses $18.00 and 1 course $16.00.

Remaining dates for 2024: 21st November, 19th December
Please contact Marjorie Ridley at to confirm you will attend by Monday prior to the lunch date.

WILLIAM ANGLISS LUNCH Wednesday November 13th

The Restaurant at the William Angliss Institute has been booked again to celebrate the end of another successful year for Moonee Valley U3A.
The restaurant is situated at 550 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne where we will meet at 12.00 noon,
Prices are set at –    two courses – $29.00 or three courses  – $38.00
Drinks at bar prices.
The booking is for twenty (20) only people so be sure to book early.
Please register by emailing :
Any questions or concerns please contact me on – 0407 582 656.

Helen Mather

We had a forum last year on the topic of Dementia which was well attended. Interested in going to the next level of understanding this topic? The University of Tasmania’s Wicking Centre offers two free courses “Understanding Dementia” and “Preventing Dementia”.
The courses run for 7 weeks, are free and no assignments or exams are required. Information about the courses can be found at: